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I think my using directive creates .dll i don't want to have

My Project map has 3 projects. I don't have many references and there shouldn't be many .dll files. But in my Release folder are over 100!!! .dll files.

Here you see some .dll files

.dll files like System.IO i never had and i wonder where it comes from. I see no references and nothing.

My only idea is, that the dll files are created because of the using directive using System.IO and other stuff.

Do you know why i have so many dll files?

My team is pretty confused and our only idea is to create the project again from scratch because we can't get rid of these .dll files.

But never before there were .dll files created. also if i remove the dll files manually, the next build creates them again

Because the project references have set copy local to true (click the dll in visual studio). You don't need to deploy them if they are contained in the GAC of the target computer. You can check in the visual studio developer console if a dll is contained in the GAC with:

gacutil /l System.IO

I did a beginners mistake :)

I wanted to create a normal class library but somehow i clicked on the .NETCore library and worked for days without knewing it was a .netcore library.

Deleting the .NetCore library and replacing with a normal one and fixing all the reference errors solved the problem

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