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java.util.HashMap.get method returns 2 values for one key

I made a Graph class which uses a HashMap> to keep nodes as keys and corresponding edges as values.

public class GraphAL {
private HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> adjList;
private ArrayList<Integer> vertices;
int numberOfNodes;
boolean visited[];

GraphAL(HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> adjList, 
        ArrayList<Integer> vertices, int numberOfNodes){
    this.adjList = adjList;
    this.vertices = vertices;
    this.numberOfNodes = numberOfNodes;
    visited = new boolean[this.numberOfNodes];

public HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>>  getAdjList() {
    return adjList;

public ArrayList<Integer>  getVertices() {
    return vertices;

public int getNumeberOfNodes()
    return numberOfNodes;

public boolean[] getVIsitedNodes()
    return visited;

public void setVisitedNodesToTrue(int node)
    visited[node] = true;


I made then a method to reverse the graph. The problem is that java.util.HashMap.get method returns 2 values instead of one although my keys are unique. This leads to adding an edge to more than the exact node where I want to add an edge.

public static GraphAL reverseGraph(GraphAL g)
    HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> revAdjList = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>>();

    ArrayList<Integer> revVertices = new ArrayList<Integer>();

    System.out.println("Printing in for loop");
    for(Integer x:g.getVertices())
        System.out.println("x = " + x);
        ArrayList<Integer> edges = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        System.out.println("Edges: ");
        for(Integer m:edges)
        System.out.print(m +  " ");
        for(Integer y:g.getAdjList().get(x))
            System.out.println("y = " + y);

                    System.out.println("RevVertices: ");
                    for(Integer n:revVertices)
                    System.out.print(n + " ");
                for(Integer o:revAdjList.get(5))
                    System.out.println(5 + " contains " + o);
                System.out.println("adding " + x + " to " + y);


                for(Integer o:revAdjList.get(y))
                    System.out.println(y + " contains " + o);

                for(Integer o:revAdjList.get(5))
                    System.out.println(5 + " contains " + o);

            revAdjList.put(y, edges);
            System.out.println("putting " + x + " at " + y);
            System.out.println("Current AdjList: ");
            for(Integer h:revVertices)
                System.out.print("vertice is: " + h + " ");
                for(Integer j:revAdjList.get(h))
                    System.out.print("edge : " + j + " ");


    System.out.println("Done printing in for loop");

    GraphAL revGraph = new GraphAL(revAdjList, revVertices, g.getNumeberOfNodes());
    return revGraph;

Sorry for all the print.ln's but I wanted to be sure where the problem is occurring. It looks like revAdjList.get(y).add(x), where y=6 and x=3, is returning the corresponding ArrayList from key 6 like I want but also from key 5. Ofc this leads to adding edge 3 to 6 like I want but it's also adding it to 5 as well. Thoughts?

x = 3
3 y = 6
5 contains 8
adding 3 to 6
6 contains 8
6 contains 3
5 contains 8
5 contains 3
adding 3 to 6
Current AdjList: 
vertice is: 1 edge : 7 
vertice is: 2 edge : 5 
vertice is: 3 edge : 9 
vertice is: 7 edge : 9 
vertice is: 4 edge : 1 
vertice is: 5 edge : 8 edge : 3 
vertice is: 6 edge : 8 edge : 3 

The problem happens on this line

for (Integer j : revAdjList.get(h)) {
    System.out.print("edge : " + j + " ");

Lets point out the issue here and why its printing out the "edge" twice


returns a collection of Integer not a single Integer so it can have as many integer values as you want since you are defining it as a collection and not a single-ton.

You are adding multiple edges from here

for (Integer m : edges) {
    System.out.print(m + " ");

If you just want 1 edge, don't make edges an array.

HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> revAdjList = new HashMap<>();

should be defined as

HashMap<Integer, Integer> revAdjList = new HashMap<>();

After you have done that, you can remove the loops and clean up the code to work with the new syntax.

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