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Can't login to mysql community server

I downloaded mysql for the first time and created a password and login and done something.

After the first restart of computer it started showing me errors when I tried to login with the exact same password.

unknown OS character set 'cp857'.
switching to the default character set 'utf8mb4'.

Change encoding according to your MySql server. Here you can see a list of chcp codes and the correlated country/region languages.

Ex: for European-Latin

You can change code page permanantly as follows:

  • Start -> Run -> regedit
  • Go to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Command Processor]
  • Add new String Value named: Autorun
  • Change the value to 'chcp [chcp_code]'

This is not the first time I see issues with turkish...

You can tell mysql your default character-set in your my.cnf configuration file. Just have to add lines to define collation and character set. For example you can try something general like:

collation_server = utf8_unicode_ci
character_set_server = utf8

Or maybe something more specific:

collation_server = latin5_turkish_ci
character_set_server = latin5

And then restart your mysql server.

Note: This doesn't need to be done in the registry, as @Simo stated.

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