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spring jpa @transaction doesn't rollback

My project encountered the problem that Spring JPA transactions would not roll back. The project framework is spring MVC + Spring + spring data JPA + oracle. I searched a lot of information on the Internet, but still could not solve my problem.

I've tried many ways, such as setting the method to public or adding rollbackFor = Exception.class in @Transactional , but it still can't be solved.

Here's my code


@RequestMapping(value = {"addUser"}, method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public Boolean insertUser() throws Exception{
        User user = new User();
        return true;


Service Interface

public interface UserServiceI {
    void addUser(User user);

Service Implementation class

public class UserService implements UserServiceI {

    public UserDao userDao;

    PersonService personService;

    @Transactional(propagation= Propagation.REQUIRED,rollbackFor=Exception.class)
    public void addUser(User user){
        User user1 = userDao.saveAndFlush(user);


public interface UserDao extends JpaRepository<User,Integer> {

My @Transactional method loads my implementation class Service, which writes an error-prone 1/0. I expect the transaction to roll back after the error, but it doesn't.

Adding @Repository in your UserDao can be a possible fix of that error.
Not sure but it can work.

Oh, I solved it because I omitted in applicationContext.xml. I only wrote in spring-mvc.xml. I always thought that I only need to write this in one of them. Until I saw this article labreeze.iteye.com/blog/2359957. I am too happy and negligent.

if you are in a springboot project context you have to add @EnableTransactionManagement in your configuration class

if it's a non springboot project, add in your xml configuration file (where is declared your component-scan) the annotation-driven tag

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