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MPU6050 Quaternion math

Does anyone know how the MPU6050 internally calculates the quaternion values? I followed all of the steps to attempt and replicate this math by integrating the gyro degrees per second readings over time to get Euler angles and then converting those Euler angles to quaternion values with the appropriate trig functions. My quaternion values do not match up with the quaternion the MPU6050 outputs and I could not find details on the chip's internal math anywhere online. Thank you.

MPU6050结合使用内部处理器(dmp)和关闭的源代码库,但没有记录,您可以使用其关闭的源代码库和dmp图像,也可以在https:// www中检查此特定传感器的反向工程。 .i2cdevlib.com他们实现了dmp的一些功能,但不是全部,不幸的是,所有的魔术都是在dmp中实现的:(

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