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Character mapping issue .NET-Informix

I'm having a very strange issue when I retrieve the data from the DB in the server gets misread. The original message is: Avería resuelta Le comunicamos que la avería registrada en la dirección #DIRECCION# ha sido cerrada #FECHAHORAFIN#.

And the message we get on the server is this: Aver¡a resuelta Le comunicamos que la aver¡a registrada en la direcci¢n #DIRECCION# ha sido cerrada #FECHAHORAFIN#.

We in the message we have special latin-1 characters, and we are specifiying in the connection string the charset as follows db_locale=es_es.cp1252; client_locale=es_es.cp1252 db_locale=es_es.cp1252; client_locale=es_es.cp1252

And the strange thing is that when I execute the (console) application from mi local machine it gets executed just fine, but when I execute it from the server it doesn't recognize the characters good.

The server is a Windows Server 2003 and my local machine is Windows 10.

Thanks in advance.

Edit: The value that this query, SELECT tabname, site FROM systables WHERE tabid IN ( 90, 91 ); is thowing, is the following:

tabname site GL_COLLATE es_ES.1252 GL_CTYPE es_ES.1252


System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("es-ES");

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