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Fastest way to transform dataframe

I have a dataframe with 3 columns:


    c1  c2  c3
    1   1   0.104986
    1   1   0.628024
    0   0   0.507727
    1   1   0.445931
    0   1   0.867830
    1   1   0.455478
    1   0   0.271283
    0   1   0.759124
    1   0   0.382079
    0   1   0.572290

For each element in 3 column (c3) i must find how many items(rows) are:

  • have same values for c1
  • have same values for c2
  • differens between values in c3 in given row and each row must be less whan 0.3

For example the answer writing in column c4

   c1  c2  c3        c4
    1   1   0.104986  0
    1   1   0.628024  2
    0   0   0.507727  0
    1   1   0.445931  0
    0   1   0.867830  2
    1   1   0.455478  1
    1   0   0.271283  0
    0   1   0.759124  1
    1   0   0.382079  1
    0   1   0.572290  0

I transform dataframe into numpy array and use map function with labmda to have best performance.




res_map =  map(lambda el: len( X[

    ( X[:,n_time] > (el[n_time]-dT) ) 

    & ( X[:,n_time] < (el[n_time])  )

    & ( X[:,n_feature2] == (el[n_feature2]) )

    & ( X[:,n_feature1] == (el[n_feature1]) )

                                    ][:,n_time]), X)

But when i try to transform map object res_map into list:

result_dataframe=pd.DataFrame({'c4':result })

my code become very slow. And work very long time for big dataframe with more than 1*10^6 elements.

Which function i must use? And which the best practices to make python work faster?

Not sure what the exact logic is behind your question, but I think you want to groupby and than calculate the diff

If I understand your problem correctly its a many-to-many comparison within each group of c1 and c2 .

Here's a start for your prolem which you can build on:

# first calculate the difference between rows in c3 column while applying groupby
df['difference'] = df.groupby(['c1', 'c2']).c3.diff()

# then add a count column which counts the size of each group
df['count'] = df.groupby(['c1', 'c2']).c1.transform('count')

# after that create a conditional field based on the values in the other columns
df['c4'] = np.where((df.c1 == df.c2) & (df.difference < 0.3), 1, 0)

Hope this helps in terms of speed (vectorization) and closer to solve your problem.

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