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Java - Inheritance and Polymorphism

The instructions are these: Create a Main class which will contain the main method. Implement the following inside the main method:

– create objects from the regular classes using the overloaded constructors

– test all instance methods (ie setters, getters, overloaded, overridden)

– a parent reference assigned to a child object

– a method call which passes a polymorphic object

And I got stuck in my Parent Class which is the Rainforest. What should I do next?

Rainforest Class

  package com.ancient;                                              
  public class Rainforest                                                
  public static void main(String[] args)                                 

Rainforest Class - Inherits Parent and Child

Mammal Class (Parent Class)

//PARENT CLASS                                                     
  package com.ancient;                                              
  public class Mammal                                                    
private String type;
private double speed;

public Mammal(String type, double speed)
    this.type = type;
    this.speed = speed;

public void setType(String type) 
    this.type = type;

public void setSpeed(double speed) 
    this.speed = speed;

public String getType() 
    return type;

public double getSpeed() 
    return speed;

public void hunt(int Food)//int Food is the quantity - how many does the eagle he hunts?
    System.out.println("The Bald eagle preys " + Food + "animals within a day to survive.");


Mammal Class - Part 1 Mammal Class - Part 2

Bird (Child Class)

package com.ancient;                                                
 public class Bird extends Mammal                                        
 public Bird(String type, double speed) 
    super(type, speed);

public void hunt(int Food)//int Food is the quantity - how many does the eagle he hunts?
    System.out.println("The Bald eagle will prey " + Food + "animals within a day to survive.");                                                  

Bird - Child Class

My Project content Project content > src > package (library) > regular (2) and main classes (1)

Now, the problem here is: my constructor is undefined. Should I make a new package and insert Rainforest class to it? OR there's something wrong with my object in Mammal and Bird Class?


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