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How does this pipeline with printf — “$(cat | sed…)” work?

What is going on in the first snippet with printf -- ? How does printf parse such a command and how does the final call stack look like?

$ printf '%x' 65537 | \
    printf -- \
    "$(cat | sed -E -e 's/^(.(.{2})*)$/0\1/' -e 's/(.{2})/\\x\1/g')" \
    | openssl base64 -e
$ printf '%x' 65537 | \
    cat | sed -E -e 's/^(.(.{2})*)$/0\1/' -e 's/(.{2})/\\x\1/g' \
    | openssl base64 -e

I think you may be misreading the scripts you're asking about.

In the first example, the printf command is simply:

printf '%x' 65537

That will print the number 65537 as a hexadecimal value ( 10001 ). The script then uses the shell pipe symbol ( | ) to pass the output of that printf command into the a second printf command:

printf -- "$(cat | sed -E -e 's/^(.(.{2})*)$/0\1/' -e 's/(.{2})/\\x\1/g')"

In this command, the -- simply means "there are no cli options after this", which is used to ensure that anything after -- that looks like an option is not treated like an option. The remainder of the command is a shell $(...) expression, which will be replaced by the output of the commands contained inside the parentheses:

cat | sed -E -e 's/^(.(.{2})*)$/0\1/' -e 's/(.{2})/\\x\1/g')

It starts with a useless use of cat , which simply passes standard input (...which is the output from the previous printf command...) to stdoutput. The following sed command contains two expressions. The first one...


...matches any line containing an odd number of digits and prepends a 0 , ensuring that the every line has an even number of digits. The second expression...


Replaces every two characters ( nn ) with \\xnn , which is a printf formatting code that asks printf to print the character with the given ASCII value.

The output from the second printf command is then piped into openssl base64 -e , which produces on stdout the base64 encoding of whatever was received on stdin .

So when you run:

printf '%x' 65537 | \
    printf -- \
    "$(cat | sed -E -e 's/^(.(.{2})*)$/0\1/' -e 's/(.{2})/\\x\1/g')" \
    | openssl base64 -e

This becomes:

echo 10001 | printf -- '\x01\x00\x01' | openssl base64 -e

Which outputs:


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