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Windows Equivalent to Linux: Find -name

I am trying to figure out a command in the CLI which I know in Linux Ubuntu but I need to apply it in Microsoft.

Moreover, I am trying to find all files within a folder with a specific name. Particularly, I try to find all files which contain the term 'test' in their name. Here is the command which I know in Linux:

find \home\user\data -name '*test*'

Does anyone know the equivalent in the windows command line?


Get-ChildItem C:\Test -Filter "*test*"

In PowerShell you can use Get-ChildItem to find files and folders.

If you want to use regular expressions, you can combine Get-ChildItem with the Select-String or Where-Object cmdlets.

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\ -Recurse | Select-String -pattern "Regex"
Get-ChildItem -Path C:\ -Recurse | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.name -match "regex"}

You're looking for the "dir" command. To accomplish the same thing as your original search, you would use

dir \home\user\data "*test*"

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