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How can I mirror a gameobject movement in Unity?

I have two gameobjects and I want them to be placed butt on butt just like in the picture, but I want them to move and rotate together so that they will always be placed like that. I am controlling the black object so I just used transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, player.transform.eulerAngles.z + 180); in order to get the right rotation, but I just can't get the position right. Here is a sketch of how I want them to be placed. 职位的视觉解释

When moving my black object in a direction, the two gameobjects do not remain attached. Here is a representation of the problem. 问题

Here you have my exact script and photo: Script that I use for moving the ai:

transform.position = player.transform.position + new Vector3(0, player.transform.localScale.y + transform.localScale.y - 1, 0); transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, player.transform.eulerAngles.z + 180); transform.parent = player.transform;

And the exact photo in the Inspector: 在此处输入图片说明

And this is how I want them to be placed at all the time: https://bugguide.net/images/cache/SL2/ZZL/SL2ZZLPZMLOH6HHRUHRREHVH7HVHZLWZLL6Z7H6Z8H5Z7HEZ5LEZ5H8ZSLAHRL2Z4LBZ7LAZILAZXLGZKL2ZMHAHMH.jpg

[UPDATE] I used @Ali Kanat 's answer and I'm halfway there: 更新 As you can see in the picture the two bugs are now one over the other but they are moving together as they should.

You can just make red object(or any other objects you have) a child of black object and rotate black object. This way you can preserve the geometry and you do not have to modify transform component of the other objects.

After the comments i am assuming the big lady bug is the Player . To achieve what you want programmatically can be like this:

//forward, up or right depends on which direction is the front of your player
transform.position = player.transform.position + ((-player.transform.forward) * (player.transform.localScale.y
        + transform.localScale.y)/2);
transform.forward = (-player.transform.forward);

Because what you want to achieve is to find the position which is (PlayersizeY + enemySizeY) away in direction of back of the Player. This will work no matter what your Player`s orientation is.

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