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Regex prevent selecting characters from previous match

My title probably doesn't explain exactly what I mean. Take the following string:


What I want to do here is isolate the parts that are like this:

{{2|3}} or {{1|4}}

The following expression works to an extent, it selects the first one {{2|3}} with no issue:


The problem is, it's not just selecting the first if {{2|3}} and the second of {{1|4}} because after the first one we have {{3^EXSTARTxEXEND}} so it's taking the starting point from {{3 and going right until the end of the second part I want |4}}

Here it is highlighted on RegExr:


I've never been great with regex and can't work out how to stop it doing that. Any ideas? I basically want it to only match the exact pattern and not something that contains it.

You may use


See the regex demo .

If there can be no { and } inside the {{...}} substrings, you may use a simpler \\{\\{([^{}|]*)\\|([^{}]*)}} expression (see demo ).


  • \\{\\{ - a {{ substring
  • ((?:(?!{{).)*?) - Capturing group 1: any char ( . ), as few as possible ( *? ), that does not start a {{ char sequence ( tempered greedy token )
    • [^{}|]* - any 0 or more chars other than { , } and |
  • \\| - a | char
  • (.*?) - Capturing group 2: any 0 or more chars, as few as possible
    • [^{}]* - any 0 or more chars other than { and }
  • }} - a }} substring.

Try this \\{\\{([^\\^|]*)\\|([^\\^|]*)\\}\\}


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