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c#, Nlog and change target

i am running windows service, and i want when i run in debugto to write to console and when as service to event viewer.

in powershell i set

New-EventLog –LogName Application –Source "mySource"

I have this nlog.config :

<target name="debugger" type="Debugger" layout="${logger}::${message}"/>
<target name="console" type="Console" layout="${logger}::${message}"/>
<target name="file" type="File" layout="${longdate} ${logger}::${message}" fileName="${basedir}/Logs/${shortdate}.log"/>
<target name="eventLog" type="eventlog" layout="${logger}::${message}" source="mySource"/>
<logger name="" minlevel="Trace" writeTo="debugger"/>
<logger name="" minlevel="Trace" writeTo="console"/>
<logger name="*" minlevel="Trace" writeTo="file"/>
<logger name="*" minlevel="Debug" writeTo="eventLog" />

i do init when service start :

    public static void InitLogger()
        NLog.Targets.Target target = null;

        target = LogManager.Configuration.FindTargetByName("eventlog");

        NLog.Config.SimpleConfigurator.ConfigureForTargetLogging(target, LogLevel.Info);


to test this i change it in both cases to write to "eventlog" even in debug mode. but it is not working correctly when using the event viewer (VS is running in admin mode)


i set in each class

private static readonly Logger Logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();

what is missing?

This line will load the NLog.config and lookup a named target:

target = LogManager.Configuration.FindTargetByName("eventlog");

This line will discard the original NLog config (with all rules and targets) and create new one with a single target:

NLog.Config.SimpleConfigurator.ConfigureForTargetLogging(target, LogLevel.Info);

This line will not do anything:


I guess you are trying to add an extra target to the existing configuration. This can be done like this (Replacing all the above code):

LogManager.Configuration.AddRule("*", LogLevel.Info, target):

Btw. if you don't configure the Source -property for the EventLog-target, then it will use AppDomain.FriendlyName

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