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C++ universal references. Why rvalue reference becomes lvalue?

Here's the code that troubles me

‍‍‍‍‍#include <iostream>

#include "DataItem.h"

void testRef( const int & param )
    std::cout << "Lvalue reference" << std::endl;

void testRef( int && param )
    std::cout << "Rvalue reference" << std::endl;

    // Here's the thing I can't get. Why param is lvalue reference here??
    testRef( param );

template<class T>
void func( T && param )
    testRef( std::forward<T>( param ) );

int main2() 
    int a = 12;
    func( a );

    std::cout << "=================" << std::endl;

    func( 14 );

    std::cout << "=================" << std::endl;

    return 0;

When I call testRef() in testRef( int && param ) I presume that as far as param is rvalue reference than ravalue function will called (and yes, eternal recursion will happen). But lvalue function is called. Why?

Think about it this way, you used std::forward<T> in func , so likewise, to make sure the parameter is forwarded as an Rvalue reference, you have to do the same in the recursive function:

void testRef(int && param)
    std::cout << "Rvalue reference" << std::endl;

    // Here's the thing I can't get. Why param is lvalue reference here??
    testRef( param );

    testRef(std::forward<int &&>(param)); // now it will stay an Rvalue reference
    testRef(std::move(param)); // make it an Rvalue reference

The reason we need std::forward or std::move is because param is of type int&& which is an lvalue (ie an rvalue reference parameter is an lvalue expression when you use it).

Behind the scenes these templates will eventually perform a static_cast<int &&> which yields an xvalue expression (which is also classified as an rvalue expression.) An xvalue expression binds to rvalue reference parameters.

This can be seen by looking at Clang's syntax tree for the following function:

             rvalue reference parameter (which binds to rvalue expressions)
void testRef(int&& param)

                        lvalue expression of type int&&
    static_cast<int &&>(param);
    xvalue expression 
    (considered an rvalue expression which binds to rvalue reference parameters) 

Abstract syntax tree for the function above:

`-FunctionDecl <line:3:1, line:7:1> line:3:6 testRef 'void (int &&)'
  |-ParmVarDecl <col:14, col:21> col:21 used param 'int &&'
  `-CompoundStmt <line:4:1, line:7:1>
    `-CXXStaticCastExpr <line:6:5, col:30> 'int' xvalue static_cast<int &&> <NoOp>
      `-DeclRefExpr <col:25> 'int' lvalue ParmVar 0x55a692bb0a90 'param' 'int &&'

A shorthand way of explaining that a reference parameter becomes an lvalue would be to say that when it has a name (id-expression) it is an lvalue.

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