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Returned object from Spring Data Jpa query has null values

I'm trying to get object of custom type from JPA Repository


public interface VisitRepository extends JpaRepository<Visit, Long>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<Visit> {
    @Query(value = "select client_id , count(*) from visit  where (DATE(jhi_date) between :startDate and :endDate) group by client_id",nativeQuery = true)
    List<IIntegerReportData> findByDate(@Param("startDate") String startDate, @Param("endDate") String endDate);


package com.mycompany.hiptest.repository;

public interface IIntegerReportData {
    Long getId();
    Integer getValue();


 public List<ClientsRatingDTO> findAllSorted(String startDate, String endDate, Long fieldNum) {
        List<IIntegerReportData> visitReport = visitRepository.findByDate(startDate, endDate);   
        log.debug("visitReport:" + visitReport.size());

        for (IIntegerReportData visit : visitReport
        ) {
            log.debug("value: " + visit.getValue());

In debug i get visitReport.size() = 27 (that is correct records count), but
visit.getValue() is NULL for each rows, although there are not null values in this field for each rows. What's wrong?

You could use NativeQuery Annotation:

Have a look at:


When returning a custom object from a native query, the result column names must match the names of the custom interface, otherwise they'll just have null values. Eg:

public interface MyRepository extends JpaRepository<MyEntity, Long> {
    @Query(value = "SELECT "\"id\" FROM \"my_entity\"", nativeQuery = true)
    List<IdNative> findAllIdNative();

    interface IdNative {
        Long getEntityId();

Here, getEntityId() will always return null because the result table of the query has no entityId column. To fix, either change the query to match the method:

SELECT "id" AS "entityId" FROM "my_entity"

Or, change the interface method to match the column name:

Long getId();

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