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How to only show important node's name on the networkx graph?

The graph looks messy and barely recognize anything. I only want it to show the name of nodes with high centrality, but I don't know how. I can only show all the names now.

Graph:the result of the following codes

G_D=nx.Graph() G_D.add_edges_from(G5.edges(data=True))

nx.draw(G_D,nx.spring_layout(G_D),node_size=[v * 10 for v in df.iloc[:,0]],with_labels= True)

nx.draw has an argument labels , which in combination with with_labels=True can draw only labels you want, only how you want.

labels (dictionary, optional (default=None)) – Node labels in a dictionary keyed by node of text labels

For example, you can pick nodes 'label' parameter and draw labels for nodes that have 3 or more neighbours:

labels = {
    n: (G.nodes[n]['label']
        if len(list(nx.all_neighbors(G, n))) > 2
        else '')
    for n in G.nodes
nx.draw(G, with_labels=True, labels=labels)

PS I don't recommend to use basic networkx drawing functional. There are many powerful visualization libraries better than networkx. Even in networkx docs you can find the same opinion. One can use Gephi , Graphviz (with various libraries) or Cytoscape for really HUGE graphs.

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