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How can i submit my form in php to echo a response?

I'm trying to make a form with radio checkboxes and a textbox. The goal is to receive what is set in the radio buttons/the textbox and echo it (For now). The future goal is to upload it to MySQL, but that wont be a problem.

EDIT: i forgot to set the method="post" that solved the problem

echo "<tr>";
    echo '<div class="error infonachricht">'
        .'<center>Aktuell liegt ein Beurlaubungsantrag von '
        .$beurlauber.' vom '.$startdate.' bis zum '.$enddate.' vor:<br><br>"'
        '<input type="radio" name="annahme'.$i.'" value="Ja">Ja<br>
        <input type="radio" name="annahme'.$i.'" value="Nein">Nein<br>
        Neuer Grund: '.'<input type="text" size="30" maxlength="100" name="grund"><br>  <br>
        <input type="submit" name="clicked'.$i.'" value="Absenden">'.
if (isset($_POST['clicked'.$i])){
    if (isset ($_POST['annahme'.$i])){
        if ($_POST['annahme'.$i]=="Ja"){
            echo "Ja";
        if ($_POST['annahme'.$i]=="Nein"){
            echo "Nein";

echo '</center></div>';
echo "</tr>";

I expected it to show either "Ja" or "Nein", but it didn't show anything at all.

when you create a form in html it should have a method. So if you add method="POST" in your tag, it should be work as a post form.

Also i recommend you to change your inputs to a <option> tag. You can edit with css if you want some buttons. Your form should be looking like that;

 <form method="POST" action="/action_page.php">
  <select name="annahme">
    <option value="ja">Ja</option>
    <option value="nein">Nein</option>

  <input type="submit" value="Submit">

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