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Using iis 10, how am i enabling CORS for all requests? WebAPI2

For the past 2 hours I'm trying to enable CORS in my project.

Things i tried and did not work:

  1. Enabling CORS through code:
In WebApiConfig.cs

In MyController.cs

[EnableCors(origins: "*", headers: "*", methods: "*")]
  1. Enabling CORS trough IIS CORS module:


downloaded and installed. After that i tried to follow the instructions in the references yet no positive result.

How do I enable it?!

If it matters, for my client I'm using React+axios.

I'm stupid, the solution was simple:

Add those two lines to your webApiConfig.cs :

        var cors = new System.Web.Http.Cors.EnableCorsAttribute("*", "*", "*");

Important : DO NOT combine two solutions because it will cause a "Too much cors" problem.

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