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Using the Python Docker API to get an Image hash from an AWS ECR

I've been using the the Docker Python API and Boto3 to build images and push them to Amazon ECR. What I've having difficultly determining is how do I determine if an Image I build already exists in ECR? I can use the Boto3 libraries like so:

import boto3
import botocore

client = boto3.client('ecr')
images = client.list_images(repositoryName=repo_name, registryId=repo_id)

This will give me a list of digests, but they're not the Image digests. They're the Docker repository digests (which is a digest of the image + its manifest). So if I build an image locally, I can't use this to check to see if the image already exists with a tag on Amazon ECR.

import docker
client = docker.from_env()
image = client.build(path=docker_dir)
sha256 = image[0].id # <--This Sha sum is for the image, different from repository 

Is there anyway to get the actual image digest for images in a given repository without having to pull the image?

I think you could be doing something wrong because I am using a code so similar to yours and I am getting the digest.

session = boto3.Session(profile_name='default')
ecr = boto3.client('ecr')
docker_api = docker.APIClient()

response = client.list_images(


        'tagStatus': 'ANY'

print (response)

I got like response the imagedigest include in the response

{'imageIds': [{'imageDigest': 'sha256:cbb5f28f7a8377207c8f95e3a9fae311fa12f81a22401e053d5c07fd0f87', 'imageTag': 'temp_e2e_1.0.13'}], 'nextToken': 'ukD72mdD/mC8b5xV3susmJzzaTgp3hKwR9nRUWa1yZZ4wYnPpldlCcKdX0uA+hWWOLo3ccyBGxIDoN9FQLPPEHv2DRd1OrIm4ooJdVM1M6sckRwXypd7HXj/SnA9iMm3YBl8HRpVXD/kVWB2VlNFS4aftrQQgtfrPNl6nb/S4zGFrQGQp23fdsY5TsKrWTLOWrdo8HGhWX2ylJ0Qoi19DAOBEN2/JAwMbk2hyquf5NDeA7omjHUMI1pfX5lpO2FPF39DKMZtzdwe24e8RcHa508aukf9CYW6gya6knjWbJfQSrb4lIP4HsTVBqDUuxg5IC9ghqLdXJNCEzWHzwQtuKg0vLdHmM6iftfrVhsgY6rKtZbcXwxlJb3a7FMMdm', 'ResponseMetadata': {'RequestId': 'fb33b587-795d-11e9-a32-17af1b3e4c54', 'HTTPStatusCode': 200, 'HTTPHeaders': {'x-amzn-requestid': 'fb33587-75d-11e9-a3342-17af1b3e4c54', 'content-type': 'application/x-amz-json-1.1', 'content-length': '532'}, 'RetryAttempts': 0}}

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