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How to replace value in python script reading key from config file

I have to replace a key with value in python script and i am reading key from Config file to create a url.

for example: https://xyz/prefix=dcm_accountclick_201903

Config File:



yday_date = datetime.datetime.today() - timedelta(days=1)
last_date_fmt = datetime.datetime.strftime(yday_date,'%Y%m%d')
yday_mnth = last_date_fmt[:6]
reqItems = envvars.list['go_req'](here my envars script reads the go_req from config file)
reqKeys = envvars.list['go_key'](here my envars script reads the go_req from config file)
ur= reqItems.split(',')
keys= reqKeys.split(',')
req_url= ''
for i in ur:
  for j in keys:
    if (str(i) == str(j)):(here if yday_mnth in url matches with key then i will try to add the value which i am generating in script)

      req_url += i(here eventhough it matches yday_mnth==yday_mnth am getting output as below)

https://xyz/prefix=dcm_accountclick_ yday_mnth

so i am not sure why its not taking the value of the variable yday_mnth and if i give as below then its working however i want my script to be generic.

req_url += yday_mnth

If I understood correctly, you want to output the value of yday_mnth when there's a match between reqItems and reqKeys , and then append it to the URL?

import datetime
yday_date = datetime.datetime.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
last_date_fmt = datetime.datetime.strftime(yday_date,'%Y%m%d')
yday_mnth = last_date_fmt[:6]

reqItems = "https://xyz/prefix=dcm_accountclick_,yday_mnth"
reqKeys = "yday_mnth,"
ur= reqItems.split(',')
keys= reqKeys.split(',')
req_url= ''
for i in ur:
  for j in keys:
    if (str(i) == str(j)):
      req_url += yday_mnth

print(ur[0] + req_url)



But a much simpler implementation for this would be:

import datetime
yday_date = datetime.datetime.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
last_date_fmt = datetime.datetime.strftime(yday_date,'%Y%m%d')
yday_mnth = last_date_fmt[:6]

reqItems = "https://xyz/prefix=dcm_accountclick_,yday_mnth"



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