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How to take input from pandas.dataFrame in Apache Beam Pipeline

I am trying to take input from pandas dataframe to apache beam pipeline and write it to GCS. Without using dataflow/apache beam, I am able to write the dataframe data in GCS. But now dataflow is in picture.

def database_to_gcs(self, type='full'):
    if type == 'full':
        with open(self.tablemetadata, 'r') as fr:
            argv = [
            p = beam.Pipeline(argv=sys.argv)
            for line in fr:
                table_name, primary_key = line.split(',')
                self.cur.execute("SELECT * FROM " + table_name)
                df = pd.DataFrame(list(self.cur))
                dictionary = df.to_dict('split')
                input_dataframe = df
                output_path = 'gs://{0}/output/{1}/{2}/{3}'.format(self.bucket_name,
                                                                   str(datetime.now()) + "_" + table_name + '.csv')
                  | 'ReadDataframe' >> beam.io.ReadFromText(input_dataframe)
                  | 'WriteToFile' >> beam.io.Write(output_path)

Beam provides ParDo transform where you can write arbitrary Python code that operates on input elements. So probably consider writing a DoFn that takes lines of text read from input file and generates dataframes. You can either process these dataframes in the same ParDo or feed them to a secondary ParDo where you do the processing. I don't think Beam currently have any utility transforms for handling pandas dataframes currently even though this was discussed several times.

对于阅读这个老问题的任何人,Beam 不再支持 python 2.x 但现在 apache_beam.dataframe.io 中支持DataFrame

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