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reading data from json file then writing into an embed?

So I was working on a new feature on a discord bot that would tell you all the parties(clans) in the server, and the clan info is stored inside a json file, I would like to send it to the user though send_message(), but it keeps returning this error: discord.ext.commands.errors.CommandInvokeError: Command raised an exception: HTTPException: BAD REQUEST (status code: 400) after a bit of research it means that there's more than 2000 characters inside the message, and I was wondering what's wrong with my code, any suggestion is welcomed, thanks for reading this. #I_Love_Troubleshooting

async def partylist(ctx):
    user = ctx.message.author
    await partylist(user)

async def partylist(user):
    partylist = discord.Embed(
        colour = discord.Colour.orange()
    with open(url2, 'r') as w:
        file = json.load(w)
        for item in file:
    await client.say(user,embed=partylist)

#This is the json file
{"clan2": {"Members": "ShareYourGraves#9977"}, "clan1": {"Members": "||CATENARY||#9105,"}}

I suggest you just send a limited amount of information to the users the allow them to get more detailed info via different commands or make them view it on webpage

data={"clan2": {"Members": "ShareYourGraves#9977"}, "clan1": {"Members": "||CATENARY||#9105,"}}

async def send_data(user):
    clans=[name for name in data]
    emb.add_field(name='clan names',value=" ,".join(clans))
    await bot.send_message(user,embed=emb) 

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