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How to configure custom database connection timeout in Spring Boot application?

In my Spring boot(2.0.7 RELEASE) application I am not able to manually set/override the timeout for the database connections in the application.properites file. I am using JPA, Hibernate, Tomcat connection pool and Postgres.

I've researched thoroughly and found very similar questions :

The reason I ask new question is because neither of the questions above have an accepted answer nor a confirmed working solution. I tried including each proposed solution in my application.properties file with no success.

Also, as mentioned in question 2: if I add parameter 'timeout = someSeconds' in the @Transactional annotation, the connection timeouts as expected but if I try extracting it in the application.properties it fails and timeouts for the default time. The problem here is that I want all connections to timeout in the given time not only the transactions.

Things I've tried in the application.properties (The desired timeout is 4 seconds):

  • spring.jpa.properties.javax.persistence.query.timeout=4000
  • spring.jdbc.template.query-timeout=4
  • spring.transaction.defaultTimeout=4
  • spring.datasource.tomcat.validation-query-timeout=4

Materials I've read:

Am I missing some property? Does anyone know why the timeout can't be overridden via the application.properties file?

Thanks in advance.

There are at least 3 time-outs to configure:

  1. Transaction timeouts, which you already did. I declared mine in the transactionManager bean:
  1. Query timeouts(which obviously does not need @transactional), which you already did and also explained here

  2. Network timeouts(Read this excellent article ).

For my case, i am using Oracle, and my bean configuration is as follows:

    public HikariDataSource dataSource() {
        HikariDataSource ds = new HikariDataSource();
        return ds;
    Properties oracleProperties() {
        Properties properties = new Properties();
        properties.put("oracle.net.CONNECT_TIMEOUT", 10000);
        properties.put("oracle.net.READ_TIMEOUT", 10000);
        properties.put("oracle.jdbc.ReadTimeout", 10000);

        return properties;

And if you do not want to configure a bean for the DataSource(which is what most people will do), you can configure the network timeout properties in application.properties:


Depending on your datasource, but you can try this:


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