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Is there a way to configure Spring Boot API to set connection timeout for incoming request?

I've deployed my high traffic SpringBoot Application on Wildfly 10. The server architecture for this application is nginx (Angular Application) -> (reverse proxy) -> wildfly server. Since we get high traffic during the hours, the 8080 port (wildfly application port) stays at CLOSE_WAIT because nginx closes the connection after certain period of time.

I'm looking to configure the Spring Boot Application to close the connection if the request time is lets say > than 5 seconds.


public ResponseEntity test1(){
    return ResponseEntity.ok("TESTED!");

public ResponseEntity test2() throws InterruptedException{
    return ResponseEntity.ok("TESTED!");

For test2 Get HTTP method is there a way to configure spring boot application / Wildfly / centos to set connection timeout for incoming request?

You can try server.connection-timeout=300000 in your application.properties.

From the official documentation:

server.connection-timeout= # Time in milliseconds that connectors will wait for another HTTP request before closing the connection. When not set, the connector's container-specific default will be used. Use a value of -1 to indicate no (ie infinite) timeout.

Or you can try to use the @Transactional annotation and set an argument to it as that:

@Transactional(timeout = 300000)

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