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Get PromiseValue out of Returned Promise

I have searched StackOverflow and read the topics on getting values from returned promises but for some reason those examples aren't working for me.

My code:

const getThatZip = (zip) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const query = `http://api.zippopotam.us/us/${zip}`;
    const request = new XMLHttpRequest();
    request.addEventListener('readystatechange', (e) => {
        if (e.target.readyState === 4 && e.target.status === 200) {
            const data = JSON.parse(e.target.responseText);
            //console.log(data.places[0]['place name'] + ', ' + data.places[0]['state abbreviation']);
        resolve(data.places[0]['place name'] + ', ' + data.places[0]['state abbreviation'])
        } else if (e.target.readyState === 4) {
            reject('An error has occurred')
    request.open('GET', query);

const handleZipBtn = () => {
    const zipVal = zipLine.value;
    const theAnswer = getThatZip(zipVal).then((result) => {
        return result

The console.log inside the promise gives good data. But calling getThatZip only gives me the promise. Can someone point out my error?

Since JS is asynchronous, the line with console.log(theAnswer); is executed before the promise is resolved. You can solve this using es6 async/await syntax, or do your console logging within the then() block to see when the variable is set to the resolved promise.

const handleZipBtn6 = () => { 
    const zipVal = zipLine.value; 
    const theAnswer = getThatZip6(zipVal).then(res => { 
        console.log({ promiseIsResolved: res }) 

try this

const handleZipBtn = async () => {
    const zipVal = zipLine.value;
    const theAnswer = await getThatZip(zipVal)

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