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Passing *args and **kwargs to an asyncio periodic wrapper function from a dictionary

I am using asyncio to gather tasks from a dictionary and execute them but I'm having difficulty getting it to work as intended. (This is sort of a follow-up question to my question here but I re-wrote the code a bit because it didn't work as intended and decided it would be better to use a wrapper function instead.)

So I'm using a wrapper to call the specified task function. I want the wrapper to forward any *args or **kwargs to the task function, and also repeat the task peridiocally if the interval kwarg is set.

How do I pass this information to the wrapper and the task function, while keeping it easily maintainable with the ability to easily add new tasks to the tasks dictionary?

Please take a look at my code for illustration.

import asyncio
import random

async def run_task(taskname, taskfunc, interval=None, *args, **kwargs):
    # Wrapper which will run the specified function, and repeat it if 'interval' is set.
    # Should also be able to pass any potential *args and **kwargs to the function.
    fakedelay = random.randint(1,6)
    print(f'{taskname} started (completing in {fakedelay} seconds)')
    await taskfunc(fakedelay, *args, **kwargs)
    print(f'{taskname} completed after {fakedelay} seconds')
    if interval is not None:
        print(f'Repeating {taskname} in {interval} seconds...')
        while True:
            await taskfunc(fakedelay, *args, **kwargs)
            await asyncio.sleep(interval)

async def faketask(fakedelay, *args, **kwargs):
    # Function to simulate a coroutine task
    await asyncio.sleep(fakedelay)

async def main():
    tasks = {
        # Dictionary of tasks to perform
        'Task-1': faketask,
        'Task-2': faketask,
        'Task-3': faketask,

    tasklist = []
    for taskname, taskfunc in tasks.items():
        tasklist.append(run_task(taskname, taskfunc))
        print(f'Added {taskname} to job queue.')
    await asyncio.gather(*tasklist)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

This seems to work well so far. But let's say that I want Task-3 to repeat every 10 seconds after each time it completes. I would like to simply specify it in the tasks dictionary, to make it as simple as possible to add new tasks in the future. Eg like this:

tasks = {
    # Dictionary of tasks to perform
    'Task-1': faketask,
    'Task-2': faketask,
    'Task-3': faketask(interval=10),

But running this gives TypeError: faketask() missing 1 required positional argument: 'fakedelay' I suppose it makes sense because the interval kwarg is meant for the wrapper and not the task function ( faketask ) itself. And the wrapper doesn't seem able to add any *args or **kwargs ( fakedelay in this situation).

In my previous question I was given the suggestion to use functools.partial .

tasks = {
    'Task-1': faketask,
    'Task-2': faketask,
    'Task-3': functools.partial(faketask, interval=10),

It solved the issue from my previous question somewhat but after re-writing the code and adding a wrapper function, it seemingly does nothing now, and admittedly I'm having difficulty understanding how functools.partial is meant to be used.

So my questions are,

  1. How can I go about this, is this the appropriate way to accomplish what I'm trying to do?

  2. How can I provide *args and **kwargs to a specific function in the tasks dictionary, in as simple of a way as possible (so new tasks can be easily added), and have them forwarded to the task function itself via the wrapper?

  3. Is my method of repeating a function periodically correct? I specifically want it to only sleep after completion before starting again, and not just fire off again even if the last instance hasn't finished yet.

Using functools.partial only makes sense if you are actually wrapping faketask to include an optional keyword argument. If you need to apply the keyword argument to a different function ( run_task ), then you need to do so independently. For example, you could specify additional optoins for run_task in the tasks dict:

tasks = {
    'Task-1': faketask,
    'Task-2': faketask,
    'Task-3': (faketask, {'interval': 10)),

The code that invokes run_task will then need to recognize the tuples:

for taskname, taskfunc_maybe_with_options in tasks.items():
    if isinstance(taskfunc_maybe_with_options, tuple):
        taskfunc, options = taskfunc_maybe_with_options
        taskfunc = taskfunc_maybe_with_options
        options = {}
    tasklist.append(run_task(taskname, taskfunc, **options))

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