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Push element at each index in an array

I have an array, i wan to add one more key value pair at each index.

var ajaxResult = ajaxGet("URL");
    if (ajaxResult.length > 0) {
        for (var i = 0; i < ajaxResult.length; i++) {

            ajaxResult[i].prototype.push.apply({ "selectedTripLeader": $scope.TripLeaderData[0].Id });

I am trying to achieving * selectedTripLeader at each array item present into ajaxResult.* eg array[0].push({ "selectedTripLeader": $scope.TripLeaderData[0].Id }) array[1].push({ "selectedTripLeader": $scope.TripLeaderData[0].Id })

i have tried using normal push and prototype.push but it is not working. Solution with for loop or for each loop will be ok

At an index of i in ajaxResult, its an object(ajaxResult[i]). You can't use push function on an object, you can use it on an array. To append a new key-value pair inside an existing object, you can do the following thing:

var a={}; a.name='Joe'; OR a[name]='Joe';

Both are the ways to add new key-value pair in Object.

So in your scenario, it should be as below given code.

 ajaxResult[i].selectedTripLeader= $scope.TripLeaderData[0].Id
 ajaxResult[i]['selectedTripLeader'] = $scope.TripLeaderData[0].Id

If you want to add a property to your object, you can use the spread operator to merge the current object with your new property:

var ajaxResult = ajaxGet("URL");
  if (ajaxResult.length > 0) {
    for (var i = 0; i < ajaxResult.length; i++) {
      ajaxResult[i] = {
        selectedTripLeader: $scope.TripLeaderData[0].Id

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