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Why is my variable not defined even if I used “global”?

I'm trying to do a COOL compiler in Python, but by the time that I try to set a global variable it says "NameError: name 'comm_reg' is not defined". I'm defining the variable in the beginning, and then I use it as global so I don't understand why it's not working.

Any ideas? Thank you.

class CoolLexer(Lexer):

    comm_reg = False
    comm_line = False

    def COMMENT(self, t):
        global comm_reg
        comm_reg = True

    def CLOSE_COMMENT(self, t):
        global comm_reg
        if comm_reg:
            comm_reg = False
            return t

    def ONE_LINE_COMMENT(self, t):
        global comm_line
        comm_line = True

    def salida(self, texto):
        list_strings = []
        for token in lexer.tokenize(texto):
            global comm_line
            global comm_reg
            if comm_reg:
            elif comm_line:
                comm_line = False
            result = f'#{token.lineno} {token.type} '

It looks like you want something like this:

class CoolLexer(Lexer):

    def __init__(self):
        self.comm_reg = False
        self.comm_line = False

    def COMMENT(self, t):
        self.comm_reg = True

    def CLOSE_COMMENT(self, t):
        if self.comm_reg:
            self.comm_reg = False
            return t

    def ONE_LINE_COMMENT(self, t):
        self.comm_line = True

    def salida(self, texto):
        list_strings = []
        for token in self.tokenize(texto):
            if self.comm_reg:
            elif self.comm_line:
                self.comm_line = False
            result = f'#{token.lineno} {token.type} '

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