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CGI bash/html : how to fill a list box with bash script

I need to develop a CGI in bash/html. I want to create a list box which would be filled automaticaly in using a text file.

I try this :


echo "Content-type: text/html"
echo ""

echo "
        <title> CLUSTER GRAPH </title>
        <h1> Cluster Graph </h1>
<hr size="4" color="blue" >



declare -A array

array=$(cat CLUSTER_1.txt | awk -F',' '{print $1}')

echo $row

echo "<FORM>
    <SELECT onChange=
      <OPTION VALUE="111.html"> $array </SELECT>
  </FORM> "

echo "



But the result is :


And I need... This :


I think I must use a for loop but I don't know how. Can you show me ?

Try it:

array=$(cat CLUSTER_1.txt | awk -F',' '{print $1}')
echo "<FORM><SELECT onChange='document.location=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value'>"
echo "<OPTION VALUE='#' SELECTED>     DAY     </OPTION>"
echo "$array" | while read WHILEDATE; do
      echo "<OPTION VALUE='111.html'>" $WHILEDATE "</SELECT>"
echo "</FORM>"

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