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Crystal Reports Error - Incorrect Syntax Error

I have an existing Crystal Report connected to a Stored proc on SQL Server 2012. OLE DB ADO - Provider SQLNCLI11 The report runs fine from the Local server.

Crystal SQL:

"Database"."dbo"."StoredProcName";1 N'2008474', {d '2019-04-01'}

When i go to deploy on another Server I receive an error message.

Failed to Retrieve data from the database. Details ADo Error: ox
Source MS SQL Server native client 11.0
Incorrect Syntax near the keyword "Convert"

Crystal SQL:

"Database"."dbo"."StoredProcName";1 N'2008206', CONVERT(DATETIME, '04-09-2019', 110)

Both machines have SQL Server Native Client 11 Drivers installed.

Clearly something with the hardware. Any advise is appreciated.

Thank you Will

I've had something similar when moving to the newer Crystal developer instance and a newer database version (2016). In this case I had to use the OLEDB connection type rather then the Native Client. I don't know if this will help you but at least you can rule it out after testing.

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