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Deserializing Generic Type with GSON

I've already seen this question:

Deserializing Generic Types with GSON

but my use case is different, what I need is just convert json to T , and not List<T> or similar.. Here is what i need in code:

 val type: Type = object : TypeToken<T>() {}.type

and then

Gson().fromJson<T>(json, type)

But it's not working. It returns LinkedHashMap or something like that, but not the class represented by T. When I replace T with actual class type, it works, but with T it's not working. Could someone give me some advice ? Thanks

Just use Gson().fromJson(json, T.class); no TypeToken needed

I've found solution: Using just T::class.java was not enough, It gave me compilation error:

Cannot use T as reified type parameter. Use class instead

So I had to find solution how to fix it. What I had to do was change name of the function from this:

fun <T> myFunction

to this:

inline fun <reified T> myFunction

after that, no compilation error is shown, and code works more info about this topic is here : Instantiating generic array in Kotlin

and the deserialization looks like this:

 Gson().fromJson(json, T::class.java)

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