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Does intermediate operations honors encounter order when terminal operation used in the same stream pipeline does not honors encounter order?

If I am using a map operation in a stream pipeline with forEach() terminal operation(which does not honors encounter order irrespective of whether its sequential or parallel stream) on the list (as source), will map respect the encounter order of the list in case of sequential or parallel stream ?

List<Integer> = Arrays.asList(1,2,3,4,5)
someList.stream().map(i -> i*2).forEach(System.out::println) // this is sequential stream
someList.parallelStream().map(i -> i*2).forEach(System.out::println) // this is parallel stream

If yes, then in this post https://stackoverflow.com/a/47337690/5527839 , it is mentioned map operation will be performed in parallel. If order is maintained, how it will make the performance better when using parallel stream. What a point of using parallel stream?

If order is maintained, how it will make the performance better when using parallel stream. What a point of using parallel stream? (yes still you will gain the performance but not expected level)

Even if you use forEachOrdered() while parallelStream the intermediate operation map will be executed by concurrent threads, but in the terminal operation orEachOrdered makes them to process in order. Try below code you will see the parallelism in map operation

List<Integer> someList = Arrays.asList(1,2,3,4,5);
            someList.stream().map(i -> {
                System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+" Normal Stream : "+i);
                return i*2;
            }).forEach(System.out::println); // this is sequential stream

            System.out.println("this is parallel stream");

            someList.parallelStream().map(i -> {
                System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+" Parallel Stream : "+i);
                return i*2;
            }).forEachOrdered(System.out::println); // this is parallel stream

will map honor encounter order ? Is ordering any way related to intermediate operations ?

If it is parallelstream map will not encounter any order, if it is normal stream then map will encounter in order, it completely depends on stream not on intermediate operation

While many intermediate operations do preserve ordering with out having to explicitly specify that desire, I always prefer to assume data flowing through the java stream api isnt guaranteed to end up ordered in every scenario even given the same code.

When the order of the elements must be preserved, it is enough to specify the terminal operation as an ordered operation and the data will be in order when it comes out. In your case I believe youd be looking for


If order is maintained, how it will make the performance better when using parallel stream. What a point of using parallel stream?

I've heard many opinions on this. I believe you should only use parallel streams if you are doing a non trivial amount of processing inside the pipeline, otherwise the overhead of managing the parallel stream will in most cases degrade performance when compared to serial streams. If you are doing some intensive processing, parallel will still definitely work faster than serial even when instructed to preserve the order because, after all, the data being processed is stored in a heap either way and the pointers to that data are what gets ordered and passed out of the end of the pipe. All a stream needs to do for ordering is hand the pointers out in the same order they were encountered, but it can work on the data in parallel and just wait if the data at the front of the queue isnt yet finished.

I'm sure this is a tad bit of an oversimplification, as there are cases where an ordered stream will require data to be shared from one element to the next (collectors for instance) But the basic concept is valid since even in this case a parallel stream is able to process at least two pieces of data at a time.

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