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How to add extra minutes to time data type while sql query

I want to add extra 30mins to "daily_attendances.in_time" while counting "delay day". Any idea how to do that?

$attendance_list = DB::table('daily_attendances')
        ->join('employees', 'employees.card_id', '=', 'daily_attendances.card_id')
            DB::raw('SEC_TO_TIME( SUM( TIME_TO_SEC( daily_attendances.delay_time ) ) ) AS delay_time'),
            DB::raw('SEC_TO_TIME( SUM( TIME_TO_SEC( daily_attendances.extra_time ) ) ) AS extra_time'),
            DB::raw('SEC_TO_TIME( SUM( TIME_TO_SEC( daily_attendances.in_use_time ) ) ) AS duty_time'),
            DB::raw('count(daily_attendances.start_time < daily_attendances.in_time) AS delay_day'),
            DB::raw(DB::raw('count(*) as present_day')))

For this case we have to use MySQL function called DATEADD


SELECT DATE_ADD("2017-01-15 02:12:19", INTERVAL 30 MINUTE);


2017-01-15 02:42:19

I have modified your query, Please try it out.

$attendance_list = DB::table('daily_attendances')
  ->join('employees', 'employees.card_id', '=', 'daily_attendances.card_id')
      DB::raw('SEC_TO_TIME( SUM( TIME_TO_SEC( daily_attendances.delay_time ) ) ) AS delay_time'),
      DB::raw('SEC_TO_TIME( SUM( TIME_TO_SEC( daily_attendances.extra_time ) ) ) AS extra_time'),
      DB::raw('SEC_TO_TIME( SUM( TIME_TO_SEC( daily_attendances.in_use_time ) ) ) AS duty_time'),
      DB::raw('count(DATE_ADD(daily_attendances.start_time, INTERVAL 30 MINUTE) < daily_attendances.in_time) AS delay_day'), //change over here
      DB::raw(DB::raw('count(*) as present_day')))

You can also refer to the link

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