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Class Not Found Exception When Running JUnit Tests from test jar

I am building a project in a Windows Eclipse environment and then trying to test the project jar using the test jar in a Unix environment . When I run I get what is shown below. I am using Maven with the assembly plugin to package the project with the Test Jar and I can see the class that is supposedly missing inside the jar when I run the -tf command.

java -cp MyServerTest.jar:junit.jar junit.runner.JunitCore com.MyServer.services.ZoweAuthServiceTest

Results in:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.MyServer.services.ZoweAuthService at com.MyServer.services.ZoweAuthServiceTest.testQueryToZowe(ZoweAuthServ iceTest.java:40) Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.MyServer.services.ZoweAuthService

You could use the main answer from this post:

How to run JUnit test cases from the command line

Make sure to running from the current directory of your jar and adjust it accordingly to junit version.

I figured it out. I guess I should have mentioned I am using spring-boot. Spring places the main classes of my project under a special prefix in the jar file "BOOT-INF" which prevents the test class from finding the class it wants to test. I added the classifer exec to my pom. This creates two separate jars. One for executing and one that has the normal class references for testing.


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