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How to get a variable from another class in kotlin?

I want to get a variable from an activity and use it in another class. This variable will be filled by an user in a editText that is called editTextSerie

 override fun searchSeries(listener: OnDataListener) {

        val retrofit = Retrofit.Builder().addConverterFactory(GsonConverterFactory.create())

        val client = retrofit.create(MovieDBApiInterface::class.java)

        val objetoClasse1 = SearchActivity()

        var nomeS = objetoClasse1.editTextSerie.text.toString().trim()

        val responseCall = client.searchSeries("API_KEY", "pt-BR", nomeS)

        responseCall.enqueue(object : Callback<AllSeriesResponse> {
            override fun onResponse(call: Call<AllSeriesResponse>?, response1: Response<AllSeriesResponse>?) {

            override fun onFailure(call: Call<AllSeriesResponse>?, t: Throwable?) {

This function "searchSeries" is from the class "Series".

I want to get the "editTextSerie" from another class called "Search Activity", so i created the variable "nomeS" to receive the value of it.

class SearchActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    var botaoSearch: AppCompatImageButton? = null

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        botaoSearch = findViewById(R.id.btn_search)

        botaoSearch?.setOnClickListener {

          var nomeSerie = editTextSerie.text.toString().trim()


I want to receive this value (value of editTextSerie comes from the XML of SearchActivity ) and use it at responseCall with the "nomeS" variable

What is OnDataListener ? Not really sure it is interface or abstract class, so I' ll write some pseudo code.

First change your function searchSeries 's params to

searchSeries(text: String, listener: OnDataListener)

So in the class Series , you can get the data in your function searchSeries :

    override fun searchSeries(text: String, listener: OnDataListener) {
    // ... 
    // you can get the "text" string

Then edit your SearActivity 's listener:

    class SearchActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

        var botaoSearch: AppCompatImageButton? = null

        // create class "Series"
        val series = Series()

        override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

            botaoSearch = findViewById(R.id.btn_search)

            botaoSearch?.setOnClickListener {

                var nomeSeries = editTextSerie.text.toString().trim()

        private fun searchSeries(text: String) {

            series.searchSeries(text, object : OnDataListener {

                override onSuccess(a0: ...) {


                override onFailure(message: String) {



If OnDataListener is a abstract class:

    series.searchSeries(text, object : OnDataListener() {

        override onSuccess(a0: ...) {


        override onFailure(message: String) {


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