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Scraping using cherio and request in node to get yahoo finance info

I am trying to scrape stock information from yahoo finance using cheerio and request in node.

I found that the price has an attribute data-reactid and tried to get it using that but I get a function back not a string when I run it.

const request = require("request");
const cheerio = require("cheerio");

    var $ = cheerio.load(html);
  var price = $("span[data-reactid='34']").text.toString();

Use .text() instead of .text . text is a method of cheerio object.

var price = $("span[data-reactid='34']").text().toString();

If you try rectifying the following line in your script, you should get the result.

var price = $("#quote-market-notice").parent().children('span').first().text();

Output at this moment:


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