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Convert pandas dataframe into transposed tabular format

I want to transpose pandas.Dataframe into transposed tabular format using pandas functionality So all the phone numbers should be mentioned under column MSISD and play_id should have values of column names if its phone1 or phone2 or so on.

df is

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'id': ['1', '2', '3'],
    'play_id': ['20002075', '601731', '601731'],
    'phone1': ['0900031349', '', ''],
    'phone2': ['090891349', '', ''],
    'phone3': ['', '', ''],
    'phone4': ['', '', ''],
    'phone5': ['', '088235311', ''],
    'phone6': ['', '', ''],
    'phone7': ['', '', '088235311']

Expected output should be

   id           play_id  msisd
1:  1            phone1  0900031349
2:  2            phone2  090891349

Use DataFrame.melt with remove values with empty strings by boolean indexing :

df1 = df.melt(['id','play_id'], value_name='val', var_name='phone')
df1 = df1[df1['val'] != '']
#if empty strings are NANs 
#df1 = df1[df1['val'].notna()]
print (df1)
   id   play_id   phone         val
0   1  20002075  phone1  0900031349
3   1  20002075  phone2   090891349
13  2    601731  phone5   088235311
20  3    601731  phone7   088235311

Or use DataFrame.stack with replace empty strings to missing values:

df1 = (df.set_index(['id','play_id'])
        .replace('', np.nan)

print (df1)
  id   play_id   phone         val
0  1  20002075  phone1  0900031349
1  1  20002075  phone2   090891349
2  2    601731  phone5   088235311
3  3    601731  phone7   088235311

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