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How to send data from html (Django backend) to js (Vue frontend)

I'm developing a webpage. I have a login form in this webpage. I'm using Django for back-end and VueJS for front-end. To submit the form with Django, the requirement of Django is the CSRF Token. I currently can show the CSRF Token to HTML using {{ csrf_token }} .

Because I am using VueJS, I also use Vuetify to style the front-end. The CSRF Token is not visible to VueJS because VueJS doesn't recognize {{ csrf_token }} but HTML does.

After researching on the internet I found something. I tried using v-bind to give the CSRF Token from HTML to VueJS but unfurtunately the value of the v-bind is undefined. But if I go to my sourcecode (Ctrl+U), I can see that CSRF Toekn does work but VueJS does not recognize it.


<div id="LoginApp">

When I use v-bind from VueJS to VueJS this works but from HTML to VueJS doesn't work

This is login.html

<div id="LoginApp">

This is WJLogin.vue

export default
    props: {
        csrf: String,
        hello: {
            type: String,
            default: "defaultValue"

I expect the value of CSRF Token is accesable to VueJS.

Dr. Harold Hardvard,

I don't understand but your component is seen wrong.

Try this code please

<div id="LoginApp">
  <!-- If it is fixed -->
  <div>{{ $props.csrf }}</div>

export default {
  name: 'W3Login',
  props: {
    csrf: String
  // If it will be change.
  computed: {
    token() {
      return this.$prop   
  methods: {
    If using in any method.
    x() {

Example link JsFiddle

You shouldn't use v-bind:csrf since when django render csrf_token , it will be literal (eg not a variable). V-bind is used to bind object into component prop. So do this:


<div id="LoginApp">
            csrf="{{ csrf_token }}"
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue/dist/vue.js"></script>
{% verbatim %}
    Vue.component('wjlogin', {
        template: `<div>{{ csrf }}<br/>{{ hello }}</div>`,
        name: 'wjlogin',
        props: {
            csrf: String,
            hello: {
                type: String,
                default: "defaultValue"

    new Vue({el: '#LoginApp'})
{% endverbatim %}

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