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How to get Json data from backend node js to frontend html

From the below code, I am trying to access the JSON data to display on frontend screen. I exported it in node js and trying to import it in script tag in frontend html but I am not getting the data. Is there any way to access this data?

        app.post('/login', async (req, res) => {

        let payload = {
           "params":{"db":"ExampleDB","login":req.body.email, "password":req.body.password}
        let result = await axios.post('http://example.net:8088/authenticate', payload);
            if (result.data.result.message = 'success') {
                if (result.data.result.data.is_officer == true){
                    flag = 1;
            res.send(`<div align ='center'></div><br><br><br><div align ='center'><a 
          href='./login.html'>Invalid Email or Password Please try again</a></div><br><br> 
       <div align='center'></div>`);

I am trying to fetch this json data is_officer into my frontend html code. How can I get this data in the frontend? The json api response is as follow


    "jsonrpc": "2.0",

    "id": null,

    "result": {

        "message": "Success",

        "code": 200,

        "data": {     

           "is_officer": true,

            "department_id": [







What line of code need to write in node js and html to get this on the frontend html?

use Axios to bring JSON from backend to front end

official website: https://axios-http.com/

Cdn: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/axios/dist/axios.min.js

import axios from "axios";
  .then(res => {

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