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How to debug a flask-restful api with pdb

I want to use pdb to step into some flask-restful code. I have an endpoint which returns a token. I then use the token to access another endpoint which returns the required data. I would like to view the result of a database query. How do I go about this?

I tried setting a breakpoint inside the class, but it does not get triggered when I send a request using the request library.

class FetchData(Resource):

    def get(self, args):

        engine = create_engine('mysql+pymysql://')
        conn = engine.connect()

        tablemeta = MetaData()

        keydate = tablemeta.tables['KEYDATE']
        coefficient = tablemeta.tables['COEFFICIENT']
        vessel = tablemeta.tables['VESSEL']
        update_dict = {}

        s = select([coefficient])
        s = s.where(coefficient.c.updated_date >= args["dt"])
        rp = conn.execute(s)

        result = []

        for r in rp:
            j = coefficient.join(vessel, r['idvessel'] == vessel.c.idvessel)

            import pdb
            vdm_id = select([vessel.c.vessel_id]).select_from(j)
            vdm_id = conn.execute(vdm_id).scalar()

            intermediate = []
            intermediate.append({"vdm_id": vdm_id})


Or possibly there's another debugger I should be using?

You should put your pdb before the loop as it will never get to pdb if you don't get any results.

I have been using pdb for the last few years in flask without any problems.


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