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Suppress a Warning -python-pandas-colab_notebook

I'm trying to normalize a three-digit country code column in a pandas df. I found a great function called country_converter , and I'am currently running this function on the country column in a very large dataframe. It's returning thousands of these warnings because there are NaN values present in the column.

WARNING:root:nan not found in ISO3

I'm looking for two things:

  1. to suppress the nan warnings specifically
  2. to speed up the processing time of this function (my thought is suppressing the warnings should speed up the process; however, if you have any suggestions about trying something different with my code that would be great!

I've tried all variations of the name, but nothing seems to work so I think I'm missing something...

import country_converter as coco
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import warnings

warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message= "nan not found in ISO3")
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message= "root:nan not found in ISO3")
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message= "WARNING:root:nan not found in ISO3")

test = pd.DataFrame({"code":[np.nan, 'XXX', 'USA', 'GBR', "GBR",'SWE/n', "123", "abs", "ABCC", "ABC", np.nan, np.nan]})

test['code_convert']= test["code"].apply(lambda x: coco.convert(names= x, to='ISO3', not_found= np.NaN))

Expected to see no more warnings with the nan value.

I've adjusted your data in your dataframe to make the np.nan proper np.nan's and not strings.

test = pd.DataFrame(
        "code": [


0     NaN
1     XXX
2     USA
3     GBR
4     GBR
5   SWE/n
6     123
7     abs
8    ABCC
9     ABC
10    NaN
11    NaN

Then all you need to do is filter out the np.nan when doing your calculation.

test["code_convert"] = test[test.notna()].apply(
    lambda x: coco.convert(names=x, to="ISO3")

I don't have country converter installed but if I simplify the apply to test:

test["code_convert"] = test[test.notna()].apply(
    lambda x: x + "_solution"


     code    code_convert
0     NaN             NaN
1     XXX    XXX_solution
2     USA    USA_solution
3     GBR    GBR_solution
4     GBR    GBR_solution
5   SWE/n  SWE/n_solution
6     123    123_solution
7     abs    abs_solution
8    ABCC   ABCC_solution
9     ABC    ABC_solution
10    NaN             NaN
11    NaN             NaN

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