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How to use Room Database in Android with Bazel?

I have lots of SQLite tables that has now become hard to manage at the app side because of multiple DAO classes. I am using Bazel as my build system but I can't figure out how to use Room DB with Bazel build system.

If you use a Maven artifact resolver like rules_jvm_external , it'll look something like this.

In your WORKSPACE file, add the dependency on the Room compiler:

load("@rules_jvm_external//:specs.bzl", "maven")

    name = "maven",
    artifacts = [
        maven.artifact("com.google.auto", "auto-common", "0.10", neverlink = True),
        # .. other artifacts
    repositories = [

In a BUILD file (eg <project root>/BUILD ), create the java_plugin target to expose the annotation processor for Room:

    name = "androidx_room_room_compiler_plugin",
    processor_class = "androidx.room.RoomProcessor",
    deps = ["@maven//:androidx_room_room_compiler"],
    neverlink = True,

    name = "androidx_room_room_compiler_library",
    exports = [
    exported_plugins = [

Finally, in your app's BUILD file, depend on the Room compiler and runtime:

    name = "lib_prod",
    # ...
    deps = [

I have ported an Android sample app that uses the Room and Lifecycle libraries to build with Bazel here: https://github.com/jin/BasicRxJavaSample-Bazel

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