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How to replace all string with dollar sign in html file?

I get html template as string from db and before i write file in node I want to replace all ${survey_url} with number in this string. I tried with:

str.replace(/${survey_url}/g, params.orderId)

but it does not work. Could you help me understanding what's wrong?

{ , } and $ are a meaningful characters in a regular expression, so you'll need to escape them.

str.replace(/\$\{survey_url\}/g, params.orderId);

MDN has a good section on how regular expressions work .

The problem is that $ and {...} are special characters, so they aren't interpreted literally.


  • $ means the end of a string
  • {...} indicates a range

So you need to escape these characters:

 const output = '${greeting} user!'.replace(/\\$\\{greeting\\}/g, 'hello'); console.log(output); 


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