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PyCharm's venv relies on a physical python installation?

I trusted PyCharm to let it create a venv for me, and then shipped the code project with the venv folder. Inside my code, whenever calling a separate script, I use the venv Python uder venv/Scripts/ .

To my surprise, it breaks when running on another machine, where the venv python actually points to my local installation of Python at C:\\Python\\Python37 . This beats the purpose of creating a venv!

What have I done wrong? My project structure is like

  • code/*.py
  • venv

And this is what I shipped to another machine.

Yes venv creates a link to your original python. The best practice to creating "venv requirements" is to create requirements file:
pip freeze > requirements.txt
Then just add this file to your project folder

There is better alternative called Conda . You can provide the python version in conda envs.

Thanks to @AndreyG's answer. In addition, a bunch of others similar questions were helpful, like:

Copy complete virtualenv to another pc

Port Python virtualenv to another system

Especially after reading this tutorial: https://realpython.com/python-virtual-environments-a-primer/ ,

I realized my venv misconception, which was kinda due to my previous experience on shipping among Mac machines, where Python was usually preinstalled.

Now combined with the pip-freezing approach towards shipping site-packages , I also ship the Python Windows installer and automate the installation to make sure that the venv symlinks point to the exact same Python installation on all machines. Reference:


The automation code:

python.<version>-<arch>.exe /quiet InstallAllUser=-1 PrependPath=1 TargetDir="C:\Python\Python<version>"

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