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Regex for extracting part of a file path

I am using regex function in Impala to find the folder name in file path but it doesn't seem to give me correct result

I want to parse out "one" from this file path:


This is the regex which I used:


If here we wish to capture the / , then we might just want to try ([\\/]+) . There should be other expressions to extract one also, such as:


and our code might look like:

regexp_extract(filepath, '(?:\/[a-z]+\/)(.+?)(?:\/.+)', 2)


regexp_extract(filepath, '(?:\/.+?\/)(.+?)(?:\/.+)', 2)


In this case, we are not capturing what is behind one using a non-capturing group:


then we capture one using:


and finally we add a right boundary after one in another non-capturing group:


RegEx Circuit

jex.im visualizes regular expressions:



Depending on which slash, one might be located, we can modify our expression. For example, in this case, this expression also might be working:



The latest Impala versions use RE2 regex library , and you may easily access capturing group values using the third argument in the regex_extract function .

Use the following regex:


See the regex demo (note that Go regex flavor is also RE2, that is why this option is selected at regex101). It matches

  • ^ - start of string
  • / - a / char (no regex delimiters in Impala regex string, hence no need to escape / chars in the pattern)
  • [^/]+ - any 1 or more chars other than /
  • / - a / char
  • ([^/]+) - Capturing group 1 (to get it, the index argument must be set to 1 ): any 1 or more chars other than /


regexp_extract(filepath, '^/[^/]+/([^/]+)', 1)

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