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cannot find or open PDB file, debugging native code

I have a code running that successfully register Excel AddIn using C# Automation and talks to C++ though C# layer

// Tools -> Create GUID -> Register Format
namespace MyExcelAddins
    [ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.AutoDual), ComVisible(true)]

    public class MyExcelFunctions : AddInRegistrator
        [DllImport(@"C:\Users\Ilya\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\UnmanegedTester\x64\Debug\")]
        public static extern double AddNumbers(double a, double b);

        public double SampleAdd(double a, double b)
            double res = AddNumbers(a, b);
            return res;

Here is the view of my solution where C++ project I added from another directory.


I was able to debug C# code and now I want to try to debug the C++ part. I set the debug property of C# project to


and when click run, the error I got is


If I uncheck "Enable Native Code Debugging", I do not have the error but of course cannot debug C++. My guess I'm missing something in the settings. Please let me know if anyone has an idea how to fix that.

If I continue debugging I can hit breakpoint in C# but not in C++


That error message is telling you that you don't have debug symbols for excel.exe , which is not surprising since it is a Microsoft program. You can continue debugging, and your code (which should have debugging information) will still be debuggable. For example, you can set a breakpoint in some of your code that will be called by Excel and the debugger will stop on it when it is reached.

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