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Can i send java object in a json response

For example i have java class post:

public class Post{
String title;
String text;

If i create an instance of this class and convert it into ajax response in my servlet controller

public class AjaxNewsController {
    @PostMapping(value = "/getPost")
    public AjaxResponseBody getSearchResultViaAjax(@RequestBody AjaxPostResponse postId) {
        AjaxResponseBody result = new AjaxResponseBody();
        result.setMsg("found POST");
        return result;


My question is: can i retrieve post fields title and text with javascript on a client side and if i can then how?

Here is an example of console with my response in browse console

but how can i extract my post with fields in ajax and jquery?


after some reaserach i found that somehow my serlvet doesn't convert my java pojo into json. How should i do it?


my request sends normaly but serlvet doesn't convert POST class into json.

here is my javascript :

function likePost(postId,ratingElem, ratingChange) {

    var search = {}
    search["postId"] = postId;
    search["rating"] = ratingChange;

        type : "POST",
        contentType : 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
        dataType : 'json',
        url : "likePost",
        data : JSON.stringify(search),
        timeout : 100000,
        success : function(data) {
            console.log("SUCCESS: ", data);
        error : function(e) {
            console.log("ERROR: ", e);
        done : function(e) {


status and message is fine but result is empty.

try it:

var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.open('POST', 'your_url', false); 
if(req.status == 200)

and if you want to get data from another domain please read cors

So i solved my problem. I use com.fasterxml.jackson.core so i just need to mark fields in my class that i want to convert into json with @JsonView annotation like

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = IDENTITY)
    @Column(name = "post_id",
            unique = true, nullable = false)
    private Integer postId;

Everything that marked will be converted.

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