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Executable missing full library path after build

I am using CMake to compile an executable that is linked against several libraries that I have built and installed into a local project directory (libs/3rdparty). Note that this is prior to installation of the project, primarily for the purpose of running unit tests and debugging. The problem I am having is that sometimes there is a library that is linked, but the executable is missing the path to the library. The library I am currently having an issue with is leptonica. However, I have run into this issue several times with different libraries on different platforms (osx, fedora, centos, ubuntu). Through research I have seen similar issues, but I have never been able to find a definitive answer of why the full path to the library would be missing.

I've tried playing with:


and these don't seem to have much effect.

My CMakeLists contains:

find_package(Leptonica REQUIRED)


Here is the output from ldd on one of the unit test executables:

ldd test_utilities
libleptonica.so.5.3.0 => not found
libtesseract.so.4 => {MY PROJECT}/libs/3rdparty/tesseract/lib/libtesseract.so.4

leptonica is the only library that is not found out of ~30 other libraries.

Does anyone know what the root cause of this problem is? I am not looking to work around the problem by modifying LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

-- Added LeptonicaTargets-release.cmake. According to this the full path to the lib should be in the target.

# Generated CMake target import file for configuration "RELEASE".

# Commands may need to know the format version.

# Import target "leptonica" for configuration "RELEASE"
set_target_properties(leptonica PROPERTIES
  IMPORTED_LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES_RELEASE "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpng.so;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libz.so;m"
  IMPORTED_LOCATION_RELEASE "${_IMPORT_PREFIX}/lib/libleptonica.so.1.77.0"
  IMPORTED_SONAME_RELEASE "libleptonica.so.5.3.0"

list(APPEND _IMPORT_CHECK_FILES_FOR_leptonica "${_IMPORT_PREFIX}/lib/libleptonica.so.1.77.0" )

# Commands beyond this point should not need to know the version.

Here are the files in the leptonica/lib directory:

ll libs/3rdparty/leptonica/lib/ 
total 2776
drwxr-xr-x 3 user user    4096 May 30 14:17 ./
drwxr-xr-x 5 user user    4096 May 30 14:17 ../
lrwxrwxrwx 1 user user      21 May 30 14:17 libleptonica.so -> libleptonica.so.5.3.0
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 2829784 May 30 09:49 libleptonica.so.1.77.0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 user user      22 May 30 14:17 libleptonica.so.5.3.0 -> libleptonica.so.1.77.0
drwxr-xr-x 2 user user    4096 May 30 14:17 pkgconfig/

Output from chrpath --list test_utilities appears to contain the correct path to the library as well:

chrpath --list test_utilities
test_utilities: RUNPATH=...:{MY PROJECT}/libs/3rdparty/leptonica/lib:...

For anyone who runs across this, I have finally figured it out.

The issue was related to the library being a transitive dependency of OpenCV. On Ubuntu, ld now defaults to using using --enable-new-dtags which uses RUNPATH, not RPATH. There is an issue where RUNPATH is not searched for transitive dependencies.

See https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eglibc/+bug/1253638

Simply adding "-Wl,--disable-new-dtags" to the target linker options resolved my issue. All libraries are now found, including other libraries than leptonica that I added today. I am sure that I will likely have to make changes when building a package for installation though.

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