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Keycloak admin client

I trying to use the keycloak client admin to create a user in my keycloak


and with this code:

Keycloak keycloak = KeycloakBuilder.builder() //
                .serverUrl(serverUrl) //
                .realm(realm) //
                .grantType(OAuth2Constants.PASSWORD) //
                .clientId(clientId) //
                .clientSecret(clientSecret) //
                .username("idm-admin") //
                .password("admin") //

        UserRepresentation user = new UserRepresentation();
        user.setAttributes(Collections.singletonMap("origin", Arrays.asList("demo")));

        // Get realm
        RealmResource realmResource = keycloak.realm(realm);
        UsersResource userRessource = realmResource.users();

        // Create user (requires manage-users role)
        Response response = userRessource.create(user);
        System.out.println("Repsonse: " + response.getStatusInfo());
        String userId = response.getLocation().getPath().replaceAll(".*/([^/]+)$", "$1");

        System.out.printf("User created with userId: %s%n", userId);

        // Get realm role "tester" (requires view-realm role)
        RoleRepresentation testerRealmRole = realmResource.roles()//

        // Assign realm role tester to user
        userRessource.get(userId).roles().realmLevel() //

        // Get client
        ClientRepresentation app1Client = realmResource.clients() //

        // Get client level role (requires view-clients role)
        RoleRepresentation userClientRole = realmResource.clients().get(app1Client.getId()) //

        // Assign client level role to user
        userRessource.get(userId).roles() //

        // Define password credential
        CredentialRepresentation passwordCred = new CredentialRepresentation();

        // Set password credential

But in my line Response response = userRessource.create(user); the IDE show the error: Cannot access javax.ws.rs.core.Response; I`m using spring-boot 2.0.5.RELEASE and java 1.8

If the problem is only related to

Cannot access javax.ws.rs.core.Response

you have to add the following dependency in maven pom.xml if you are using Maven.


If you are not using maven, download the jar file and set in the classpath.

Dependencies for keycloak-admin-client can be found at maven repository

Try these dependencies, it worked for me.

These libraries worked for me. Pay attention to the version though as my project was using older version of spring I used few older libraries.









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