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Keycloak java admin client proxy configuration

i need to set the proxy in a java software that use keycloak-admin-client library (that use org.jboss.resteasy and apache.http).

It seems to ignore the -DproxyHost= -DproxyPort=8888 JVM configurations. I also tries with org.jboss.resteasy.jaxrs.client.proxy.host property.

Can you help me?

Version of KC dependency:


Here the code to generate KC instance:

    private Keycloak getKeycloakInstance() {
    return KeycloakBuilder.builder()

And here same examples of utilization:

    Keycloak keycloak = getKeycloakInstance();
    RealmResource realmResource = keycloak.realm(KEYCLOAK_REALM);
    List<ClientRepresentation> findByClientId = realmResource.clients().findByClientId(KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_CLI);

    UsersResource userRessource = realmResource.users();

    List<UserRepresentation> userToModifyList = userRessource.search(USERNAME);

i found a solution, just pass pass a Resteasyclient to the KeycloakBuilderas follows:

    private Keycloak getKeycloakInstance() {
    return KeycloakBuilder.builder()
            .resteasyClient(new ResteasyClientBuilder().defaultProxy("localhost", 8888, "http").build())

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